Role Buttons

Learn how to setup role buttons module.

Role buttons are a better and cleaner type of reaction roles. Its easy to setup and you can customize every button.

Message setup

Frist of all you need a message that got send by our Bot (Evelina) to use this feature.

Writing Embed Code

Button setup

Once you have set up the embed/message with evelina, you can start setting up the buttons.

Syntax: ;buttonrole add [message] [role] [label] [emoji] [color]
Example: ;buttonrole add .../channels/... member Verify ✅ green

If you don't want a name or an emoji on the button, you can enter "none" as the name/emoji for either of them.

Button remove

In order you want to remove buttons from a message you can use this command.

Syntax: ;buttonrole remove [message]
Example: ;buttonrole remove .../channels/...

Button list

If you delete a message with buttons, you can use this command to list all buttons from the database, and can use this link to remove it.

Syntax: ;buttonrole list
Example: ;buttonrole list 

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