Filter Words

Block certain words in your chat using Discord's automod.

Words are filtered by utilizing Discord's automod feature. evelina will create an automod for your server and add to it for each word you filter. It is important that you do not delete this rule, all of your filtered words will be lost.

Add a Filtered Word

You can create a filtered word by using the following command:

// Syntax
filter words add [word]

// Example
;filter words add naughty

Once you have created a word filter, evelina will send an embed confirming the word creation.

Users with Admin and Manage Server permissions are always exempt from filter rules. This is a Discord feature, we can't change this.

Whitelist & Unwhitelist

You can whitelist and unwhitelist certain channels from being triggered by Discord's automod.

Whitelist Channels

You can allow filtered words to be sent in certain channels. To do this, run the following command:

filter words whitelist [channel]

Once you run that command, users will be able to send your filtered words in the channel specified. evelina will send a confirmation message telling you that it has whitelisted that channel.

Already Whitelisted

If you get a message saying "This channel is already exempt", it means what it says. The filter for filtered words does not apply for that channel. Read Unwhitelist Channels to learn how to disable this.

Unwhitelist Channels

You can unwhitelist a whitelisted channel to disallow members from sending filtered words in that channel. To do this, run the following command:

filter words unwhitelist [channel]

Once you run that command, users will no longer able to send invites in the channel specified. evelina will send a confirmation message telling you that it has unwhitelisted that channel.

Not Whitelisted

If you get a message saying "This channel is not whitelisted", it means what it says. The filter for filtered words is already enabled in that channel. Read Whitelist Channels to learn how to enable this.

Whitelisted Channels

You can get a list of all whitelisted channels by using the following command:

filter words whitelisted

No exempted channels

If you get a message saying "No exempted channels for invites filter", it means what it says. The filter for filtered words applies for all channels. Read Whitelist Channels to learn how to whitelist channels from the filter.

Remove a Filtered Word

You can remove a filtered word from evelina's chat filter by using the following command:

// Syntax
filter words remove [word]
// Example
;filter words remove docs

Once you run this command, evelina will send an embed confirming it removed the word from the chat filter.

Not in the Filter

If you get a message saying "The word [word] is not in the word filter list", it means what it says. The word specified is not in the filtered word list. To create one, read Add a Filtered Word.

Clear the Word Filter

You can remove all words from the word filter by using the following command:

filter words clear

Last updated