
Variables you can use inside of embeds.



Only user ID


Only user name


Mentions the user


Only user discriminator


Only user avatar


Joined date in timestamp format


Creation date in timestamp format



Only guild id


Only guild name


Only guild icon


Creation date in timestamp format


Only member count


Only guild count in ordinal format


Only guild boost amount


Only guild boost amount in ordinal format


Amount of people boosting


Amount of people boosting in ordinal format


Only guild's boost level


Only guild vanity



Shows track name


Shows track name in lowercase


Shows the track lastfm url


Shows the track image


Shows the track’s plays on your account



Shows level you reached to


Show new target xp amount you have to reach

Only available for ban, unban, kick, mute, unmute, jail, unjail



Shows level you reached to


Shows id of the punished member


Show new target xp amount you have to reach


Shows mention the punished member


Shows discriminator of the punished member


Shows avatar of the punished member


Shows reason of the punishment

Last updated