Donator perks

Gain access to special commands and perks by donating to the bot.

Donator perks can be accessed by boosting our support server ( or paying a minimum of $3. Perks can be purchased here.

List of Perks

  • selfprefix - set command prefix for yourself

  • selfpurge - delete your own messages

  • selfalias add - create an selfalias for command

  • selfalias remove - remove an selfalias for command

  • selfalias list - list every selfalias for all commands

  • lookup - view the most recent changed usernames

  • lastfm mode set - design a custom nowplaying embed

  • lastfm mode view - view your custom nowplaying embed

  • lastfm mode remove - remove your custom nowplaying embed

  • lastfm mode steal - steal someone's custom nowplaying embed

  • reskin name - change your reskin's name

  • reskin avatar - edit your reskin's avatar

  • forcenickname - lock a nickname to a member

  • impersonate - impersonate a memer

Using this command, you can modify the way your nowplaying embed appears. You can do this with variables and embed scripting.

Example of setting a nowplaying mode:

Example of stealing a nowplaying embed:

Removing your custom nowplaying embed will reset it to the default one.

Viewing your custom nowplaying embed will provide you with the code. You can also view other's custom nowplaying embed. Embed Variables


Reskin is a way to customize the bot's appearance. This works by responding to your commands as a webhook, instead of through the bot.

Your avatar can either be a link or an image upload.

Image uploads do not work as well as links!

Setting a reskin name & avatar:


Using forcenickname, you can keep a nickname locked to a member. Whenever they change their username, it will be instantly changed back to the forced nickname provided.

How do I remove a forced nickname?

Simple! Run the following command:

forcenickname [member] none

Last updated