Writing Embed Code

Here, you can learn about how to script embeds for commands that support this feature.

Embed Setup

Evelina now has an easier way to set up embeds! You can use our Embed Builder to create Embed Messages.

After you have finished designing your embed, click on "Generate Embed Code" and copy it with "Copy Embed Code".

Scripting Your own Code

Obviously, you don't have to use the embed builder. You can write your own embed code. In the screenshot below, we are using an author, title, description, and footer. These parameters are parts of an embed where you will insert content. If you don't know where they go, your embed can look different than expected.

Breaking it Down

Embed code is simple once you learn it. Of course, it can be a little challenging at first. That's why we're here to break this down for you.

{title: embed title}$v{description: describing some things}

These two parameters, title and description, are parameters in the embed code. Let's go over the structure and what types of content is accepted.

Embed Structure

All embed code will begin with {embed}. This is to specify that you want the content to be an embed instead of a normal message. Parameters will always begin with a left curly bracket { to start your parameter.

You should also know the types of content parameters accept. Refer to the page below:


Now that you know what content different parameters accept, you can finish your parameter! After your left curly bracket {, you need to specify what parameter you want to use. A basic one, description, would be written like this: {description. Now, you want to finish the rest of your parameter.

To provide content to the parameter, put a colon : after the specified parameter. After that, you will provide the content type taken by that parameter. In our case, it should look like this: {description: some text goes here

Now, you need to close your parameter with a right curly bracket }.

Your result should look like {description: some text goes here}! That is what we call valid embed structure. The output would look like the following:

Congratulations! You just wrote raw embed code.

Adding Multiple Parameters

At some point, you will need to add multiple parameters to an embed. You can do this by inserting $v after your first parameter, then writing your next parameter just like you wrote your last one. Your output will look something like this:

{embed}{description: Hello}$v{title: Hi}

Using Variables in Parameters

Variables can only be used in strings.

Variables are automatically replaced strings of text that vary depending on the user and guild. Structure of variables are similar to parameters, but you don't need to add a colon anywhere. This is because variables output automated information, nothing will be set by you.

Here is an example of a variable being used in a parameter:

You can see in the image above, {guild.name} was inputted and the embed code turned that into the server's name. Variables are very simple and easy to integrate into your embed code. For a list of variables, visit the page below.


You can use copyembed to view embed code of embeds.

Commands That Take Embeds

If a * is added next to the command, it means the command will take raw text or an embed. All subcommands under invoke take both raw text or embeds.

  • embed create

  • embed edit

  • welcome add*

  • leave add*

  • boost add*

  • level message*

  • lastfm mode*

  • autoresponder add*

  • stickymessage add*

  • interface

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