Create temporary voice channels which can be customized to your liking.
Last updated
Getting started
The first step to using VoiceMaster is to use the voicemaster setup command.
The created channels can be moved and renamed to your liking.
What is the interface channel?
The #interface channel will contain an embed with buttons that allow members to customize their temporary voice channel. This channel should be locked to keep the embed message at the top of the channel.
What is the Join to Create channel?
The Join to Create channel is where members will join to create their temporary voice channel. This channel is required for the VoiceMaster system to work.
Customizing new voice channels
You can customize what the temporary voice channels look like when they’re created.
The region must be one of the following
brazil, hongkong, india, japan, rotterdam, russia, singapore, south-korea, southafrica, sydney, us-central, us-east, us-south, us-west
Syntax: ;voicemaster region [region]
Example: ;voicemaster region russia
Customizing your voice channel
The following commands can be done via the #interface channel.
Renaming your voice channel
You can use the voice rename command to change the name of your voice channel.
This command can only be used once every 10 minutes.