
Learn how to setup the VoiceMaster module.

VoiceMaster is a module that allows users to create their own temporary voice channels in your server. They have permissions to do things like lock, unlock, hide, reveal, kick, etc. in that voice channel only. Here, we will go over how to set up VoiceMaster and configure it for your server.

Initial Setup

To first set up VoiceMaster, you need to run the following command:

voicemaster setup

This will create two channels: "interface" and "join to create". You can rename these however you would like.

These channels are required for the VoiceMaster module to function. Joining the "Join to Create" channel will create a voice channel and move you to that channel. From there, you can control your channel from the #interface channel.

Custom Interface

You can also create custom VoiceMaster interfaces for your server. This can be done by utilizing the interface command. You can create buttons by using a button parameter. You can read more about those in the page below (scroll down a bit):


You can also learn more about embed coding here:

Writing Embed Code

Action Types



Locks the voice channel


Unlocks the voice channel


Hides the voice channel


Reveals the voice channel


Renames the voice channel


Decrease the voice channel's member limit


Increase the voice channel's member limit


Show information about the voice channel


Disconnect a user from the voice channel


Claim the voice channel when the owner isn't connected

Custom Interface Example


;interface {embed}{title: voicemaster}$v{description: control your voicemaster channel}$v{button: lock && emoji: 🔒}$v{button: unlock && emoji: 🔓 && style: green}$v{button: hide && emoji: 👻 && style: red}

Default Interface

To get back the default VoiceMaster interface, run interface with no script. This will send the default interface to the channel you are currently in.

Remove VoiceMaster

To remove the VoiceMaster module from your server, run this command:

[prefix]voicemaster unsetup

evelina will delete the interface and join to create channels. It will then send a message confirming VoiceMaster has been removed from your server.

Last updated