Getting started with evelina

Learn how to set up evelina bot in your server or enhance your everyday use with commands & more. By default, in a server with evelina, the prefix for the bot is a semicolon (";").

Setting up the moderation system

As soon as you invite the bot to a server that it's never been in before - you'll need to set up something pretty straight-forward to use moderation commands, especially jail, for your community server.

Run the following command


Result after executing the command

Running this command will create two things:

  1. A #jail-evelina channel

  2. A @jail role.

The jailed channel can not be access by users without administrators or users who are jailed. To allow more users to see it, create channel overrides in the channel settings.

This role should only be added to jailed members. You should never have to add it manually.

These additions can be utilized by using the jail command. Using this command will remove all roles from a member (that the bot can manage) and add the jailed role to them. Doing this will only allow them to see the jailed channel.

Category overrides will be created for every category denying the View Channel permission for the jailed role. This is essential for the jail module to function correctly.

How do I unjail someone?

Simple! Use unjail [member]. All roles will be restored to the member and they will no longer be able to see the jail channel.

Connecting your account

Setting up your account with evelina is super straight-forward is simple. All you have to do is simply run the following command while providing your correct username:

lastfm set (username)

Logging in

Once that is done, evelina will connect your account.

This account doesn't exist

If you get this message, the specified account does not exist. Are there spelling mistakes in your username? Did you create your account?

Unlinking your account

To remove your account from the bot, simply run lastfm unset. All of your data will be removed from the bot's database.

What now?

That's all to it! Run the fm or nowplaying command to share what you're listening to. This works by taking the music statistics from your account. You can connect your Spotify account and start scrobbling from there by going to

If this command does not show the correct song, either your library is not updated or you are not currently scrobbling anything. Errors

Most errors come from the API being broken. We have no control over these errors, you would have to wait for to fix it. If you encounter another error, please let us know in

You can also set custom nowplaying embeds! Go to the page below to learn more.

Last updated